May the long time sun shine upon you...all love, surround you...and with the pure light within you... guide your way on...
Lily Ann
Lily Ann loved to cuddle and be carried more than any chicken I have ever met. She followed me around the farm as my little helper. She had such a special soul and uniqueness about her, almost hard to put in to words. I am honored that I was given the opportunity to love her and learn from her. Lily Ann's life was short, but so full of love.
Penelope Nickname: Fluffy Butt
Little Fluffy Butt was so tiny and mighty. She lived in the yard with Lily the rabbit, as the other hens did not accept her in to the flock. She enjoyed time in the sunshine, and at night cuddled with her best friend Lily. Her favorite snack was watermelon.
Lily was given the opportunity to live a free range life, but at night was locked in the barn for safety with Fluffy Butt. She enjoyed spending time with Fluffy Butt and the other hens as well. She preferred to do her own thing and didn't really like human interaction, yet always enjoyed her daily greens and treats.
Rosie was a leader and a protector. Very wise and always alert. At the end of her life she spent many months living indoors when she developed health problems. She enjoyed her time indoors just as much as when she lived outside. She had such a zest for life. Her favorite snack was cucumbers.
Lucy Loo
Watching Lucy Loo run was quite possibly the cutest thing I have ever witnessed. She was the fastest little runner, with her wings flapping away! Her zest for life and living in the moment was contagious to all of us. Lucy Loo's best friend was Dottie. Lucy also enjoyed being held and spending time with me. Her favorite treats were sunflower seeds and mealworms.
Gary was a special girl who didn't like to get in the mix of things too much, and really only trusted Amy, her best friend. When Amy passed away, Gary sat on her grave for 2 days in mourning. After grieving, she then became best friends with Lily the rabbit, and they cuddle together each night in the coop.
Beeka lived life to the fullest, and she was known to be off on her own free ranging for first dibs on treats, and snagging the best spot for dust bathing. Her best friend was Ash and her favorite treats were pasta and spinach.
Ash lived a full life on her terms. She was a very gentle and kind girl and made the cutest sounds of delight when given her favorite treats. Her best friend was Beeka, and they are now together again on the other side.
Henrietta was a kind, beautiful, and timid soul. In her final months of life, she lived in the yard and indoors for extra support. She enjoyed her special time with the cats and rabbits and hanging out on the deck and under the porch searching for treats. She loved sun bathing and dust bathing, and looked forward to her special treats each day. Henrietta embraced life to the fullest, each and every day.
Milo, best known as Handsome...Angie's right hand man, and gentle protector of every single soul at the sanctuary. Milo lived nearly 16 years and was the very first rescue at 6 months old. Milo's kindness and acceptance of all species is why we were able to move forward with the sanctuary. He loved, protected, and nurtured over 65 animal friends during his lifetime, and was the very best brother a boy could ask for, for Angie's son Dillon.
Bear Bear Boy
Bear Bear Boy lived to almost 10 year old. He was always a serious little guy, and preferred watching the goat antics rather than being a part of it. He had a special man cave under the picnic table which he enjoyed very much. He was an old soul, and always seemed to be in deep thought. He was very kind to everyone he met. He loved being brushed and having his goatee combed. His favorite treats were rosehips, willow leaves and branches, and banana chips.
Jack Jack
Jack Jack was the leader of the herd...strong, confident, protective and bossy, yet playful and loved doing fancy jumps. His favorite treats were rosehips, willow leaves, and fresh mint. His majestic presence will always be remembered here at the sanctuary.
Little Emmie loved everyone she met. Her very favorite activity was snuggling with those she loved. She loved vegan pancakes. Her sweet little meows and head nods just melted your heart.
Marcel was a very gentle, shy, loving fella who enjoyed cuddling and caring for Mochi, his life partner. He lived for 6 months longer after she passed away. During those 6 months he found comfort and companionship with Dottie the hen, who also lives indoors. Marcel loved tortilla chips, cilantro, basil, carrots, and especially Italian kale. His favorite bedtime snack was organic apple chips.
Bud Bud
Bud Bud lived nearly his entire life not knowing what love was or that humans even had the capacity to show compassion. His last 6 months on earth were with us, surrounded by so much love and kindness...enough for an entire lifetime. Bud Bud lived in the moment and showed so much grace and forgiveness. He was the kindest goat I ever met.
Personality Profile: Confident, in charge, enjoys cuddling with Marcel, loves to explore, favorite treats are apple slices and fresh basil
Lovie was a very serious girl, curious, and independent. She enjoyed exploring every bit of the sanctuary and dust bathing under the lilac bush.
Amy was an affectionate little girl, enjoyed being held and snuggled. Her best friends were Lily Ann and Gary. She was quiet, gentle, and let the other girls lead the way. Amy enjoyed time on the wood bench swing and oatmeal was her favorite treat.
From the moment I meant Ernie, we had a deep soul connection, one that continues just as strong today. Ernie was the protector for everyone at the sanctuary. It was a duty he did not take lightly, a duty he assigned himself from the day he arrived. A fierce protector, yet the most gentle and loving soul I have ever met. He let me scoop him up and carry him over my shoulder like one would a human baby. I know with all of my heart and soul, he is here with us in spirit, every single day...still serving as our protector.
Betty was the hen in charge, and a brave and wise leader. Very serious and voiced her opinion loud and clear with the girls. Betty was always in charge of rounding everyone up to coop up for the night, and made sure everyone was accounted for. Betty loved life and dust bathing was her favorite activity.
Sweet Sally had such an elegant beauty about her, one she also presented through her personality...very dainty and delicate in all she did. Sally was quiet and shy with humans, but was very confident and happy within her hen family.
Precious little Sunset, what a fighter she was. Sunset struggled with health problems for a couple years, but always surprised me with a come back and return to good health. After many stays in the chicken hospital (in the house) she was no longer welcomed in to the flock, so she lived her life in the yard with the cats and dogs, and enjoyed time with the rabbits in the house. Sunset had such a zest for life. Her favorite treats were cucumbers, quinoa, pasta, and green peas.
Libby Loo
Libby Loo was truly the most gentle soul we ever met. She loved every being, and was so gentle with all of her sanctuary family. Libby found pure delight in the simple pleasures of life. She enjoyed swimming, walks, toys, playing fetch, lots of treats, including woodchips and toilet paper. She embraced each moment with grace, kindness, and joy...right up until her last moment. Swim free baby girl, swim free....
Jetty Girl
Sweet Jetty had a lifetime filled with adventure, love, and so much joy. She moved to the sanctuary with her human mom in Oct 2016. Jetty did everything with zest and gusto...from playing fetch, to her self created hide the ball under the blanket game, her famous balloon game, and enjoying food to the fullest. She was a very kind girl, but also liked to be in charge and run the show...often stealing the show whenever possible.
Peanut Butter
Peanut Butter lived a very long life, nearly 10 years. She and Dottie became best of friends, as they were the only 2 hens remaining for quite some time. Peanut Butter was very kind and gentle, and independent. She enjoyed exploring every bit of the sanctuary with her friends. Her favorite past times were sunbathing, dust bathing, and scratching around the land for treats and treasures. Her favorite snacks were hemp hearts, romaine lettuce, cucumbers, and oatmeal.
Dear "whittle" Hopie was the kindest and most gentle soul. Her favorite pasttimes were laying in the sun, hanging out on the goat barn roof, snuggling in her bed or on your lap. She gave the best little head bumps in the whole world.
BoBo was the kindest goat in the world. His gentle, easy going, peaceful demeanor resonated throughout the Sanctuary. BoBo was the definition of love.
Mochi lived to 11 years old! She was a confident, gentle, loving wife to Marcel, her partner of 10 years. Her favorite activity was snuggling with Marcel and requesting grooming from him. Marcel loved taking great care of her. Mochi enjoyed her daily fresh veggies, with kale, marigolds, apple leaves, mint, and basil being her favorites.