Personality Profile: Talkative, confident, leader of the flock, wise, level headed, and a real zest for life. Her favorite treats are pasta and tofu.
Daisy Dukes 12 years old
Personality Profile: Confident, sassy, set in her ways, a bit of a diva, independent, voices her opinion, loves to eat, and favorite treats are sunflower seeds and fresh willow branches
Meester 18 years old
Personality Profile: Very serious, talkative, set in his ways, loves to cuddle in the recliner and bask in the sun. Prefers to be indoors most of the time, yet enjoys time on the swing outdoors in warm weather. He enjoys the company of humans and dogs over other cats.
Greyson Girl 6 years old
Personality Profile: Sweet, independent, and adventurous. Prefers the outdoor life and hanging out with the goats. She loves affection and enjoys being a guard kitty here at the sanctuary.
Griffie 15 years old
Personality Profile: Super playful, a bit of a stinker, talkative, loves to climb, explore, and play hide and seek with the other cats. Loves to cuddle in his basket with his favorite blanket.
Tom Tom 10 years old
Personality Profile: Shy of humans but loves his goat family, very kind, timid, and the most agile of all of the goats. He is the fastest and most likely to climb to unexpected places. His favorite treats are apple leaves and branches and sunflower seeds.
Rosie Mary Lou 4 years old
Personality Profile: Rosie Mary Lou is our newest resident. She had congenital glaucoma which required the removal of both eyes due to complete blindness and extreme pain. She has adjusted and adapted so well to life without vision! She is truly the happiest dog we have ever met, and embraces each moment of life to the fullest! Her favorite activities are walks to the park and playing with all of her stuffies. She is also a world class cuddler. Her favorite treats are sweet potatoes, apples, carrots, and peanut butter.